A Little Bit About Me
Hey! My name is Portia, a Web Developer who has a passion for frontend development and interactive design.
I am fluent in wriring code using JavaScript and jQuery and also enjoy crafting apps using React and Angular along with CSS & HTML that work across all platforms and browsers.
I have worked for an agile team as a lead designer creating a web app that was implemented using Angular coded by Typescript.
I was able to create UI mockups screens using Balsamiq and Figma and assigned UX case scenarios
to the mockups using Confluence.
I aspire towards a career that will allow me to channel my creativity through crafting beautiful software and engaging experience.
When I'm not on the computer, I enjoy reading and doing design work with food :), and petting dogs.
Self Proclamations:
Web Developer
UX/UI Enthusiast
What I Do
Design isn't just what a product looks like and feels like on the outside. Design encompasses the internal functionality of a product as well as the overall user experience. I strive to design interfaces and experiences that people can enjoy on all digital mediums.
With a strong foundation in computer science, I'm passionate about web design and development, and interested in mobile app development. As I grow as a developer, I hope to write clean, readable code that can be used by others and leveraged to create beautiful software.
From September 2019 I was part of a learnership with Umuzi Academy. I was a junior web developer as well as a mentor to recruits who came after me. I'm a person who is interested in hackathons and attending tech meet ups that help me engage with ambitious people like me.
Check out my résumé!
React ChatApp
Web App
TokMore ChatApp is a web application that was built with react from my web development classes at Umuzi. I wanted to build this web app to help myself have a better understanding and more functionalities while gaining experience. I'm no pro as yet but I am slowly learning react and mastering it, and this web app is just a small example of what my ideal messenger app could be like.
To Do App
Initial Project
This was my first go at trying to create an app using HTML and JavaScript, the goal for the project was to use HTML, JavaScript and CSS to create an app which engages its user with a particular sort of experience in mind.
Web Development Homepage
Landing Page
While still a recruit for Umuzi Academy, I completed a overhaul on the Dev teams. I designed and built the 2 new websites from the ground up. As the developer I was responsible for the upkeeping and maintainence of the sites.
Note: The live and final project is running smoothly, the only thing missing is getting the sites published and hosted.
Memory Game
Web App
I really enjoy playing games and I am huge fan of DBZ, building the memory game has got to be one of most thrilling things I have done so far. I whipped up this simple web app to display some of my favorite pairings combined with some fun JavaScript functionalities.
Tic Tac Toe
Web App
After being introduced to React, i tried to create my own tic-tac-toe game, the interface is plain not much CSS was done on the project, the main focus was trying to get the functionality to work properly and managed to get the fucntionily to work
Note: For an optimal experience, please find another player to play with
Warning: Very resource heavy — efficiency & optimization was definitely not a concern for this project.
Movie API
Imbd mockup
For my movie lovers, I built an app around an algorithm that generates a movies on a search request, the movies are being generated through Imbd. Overall, the website is a tranquil, animated experience. Users can also find their own name and see it as part of the world collective.I would still like to add functionality for a subcribtions and streaming
Updated Website v2
Since the initial built of the website, I have worked on various elements of the website, including the full bleed header video, many design tweaks, and the overall experience in general.
Updated To Do app v2
Web App
I am always looking to improve on all the projects I have created a second version of the To Do App.
Get In Touch!
Whether you have an idea for a project or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me an email!